Set of exercises for the recovery of the erect posture

A man with a straight back and attracts admiring glances in any company. Exercises for posture at home will help anyone who wants to become the same. Classes that do not require large financial costs and hard work. The secret of good posture lies only in his desire to achieve perfection.


Bad posture can result from hereditary diseases or injuries of the spine. But the most often causes of pathology lie in the wrong position back, while working, sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. At risk are students, schoolchildren, office workers, knowledge workers, seamstresses, professional drivers.

The benefits of proper posture and the method of its verification

The advantages of proper posture are obvious. Straight line of the back, neck and shoulder looks great aesthetically. She speaks not only about physical health, but also about his discipline, and the ability to work on yourself, respect for yourself and others. Companion flat posture is a Royal walk. Excellent back adds confidence and brings additional competitive advantages.

Curved back and when hanging belly or talking about laziness, or complete indifference to the environment. It is not only nasty looking, but also dangerous for health. Also a slight curvature of the spine can cause:

  • for the dangerous diseases of the internal organs;
  • respiratory failure;
  • the slowing of the blood flow in the limbs;
  • hypoxia of brain tissue;
  • to catch the nerve endings.

Correct posture is characterized by a straight body position in the vertical plane. The shoulders are at the same level in height, slightly formed, and lowered. Chest and back can the bit to protrude. People can easily straighten the knees without feeling discomfort. When mixing together, must be absolutely straight and the elbows, heels and hips touch each other.

Make sure the correct posture, there is a very easy way. You should lean back on the wall and in full to settle up. The legs should be kept together, hands lowered along the body. My head is pressed to the back surface, the eyes before him.

Someone in the family needs to push his hand between the wall and the bottom of the back. If the palm is free, so the posture is correct. Otherwise, the observed curvature of the spine. Weakened abdominal muscles swing back, not allowing her to straighten up.

Classes for beginners

Posture correction begins with the most simple exercises. First you need to learn to sit correctly with a straight back. Charging can be done directly in front of the computer to develop the habit of:

  1. Sit straight, shoulders pressed together, leaning his chin to his chest. This situation must have at least 30 seconds.
  2. With a straight back make movements with the hands, as when swimming crawl.
  3. Tilt forward, hugging the ankles with the hands.

If you want to fix the incorrect position of the spine is a well suited workout with the materials at hand. One of them is carried out through several books. You have to put them on the head and to go to the opposite wall. The book must not fall. To complicate the exercise, you can walk up the stairs.

Correct posture training, if you pass the hand to the different items. So a well-developed shoulder and lumbar joints. For the first time, the download is on the left side over the right shoulder, then the side is changing. This movement should be repeated 15-20 times.


The second exercise is performed while standing. Stand as straight as possible, pulling to the top. Feet together, hands along the body. On the inhale straighten up, up in the set, as you exhale tilt, making the lower back round. Focus on your breathing. Repeat 10-15 times.


Disease prevention is the back and re-establish the correct position of the spine in the early stages of scoliosis is effective, with the help of yoga. Supporters of this doctrine claim that it is a person who is young and healthy, while its bending of the spine.

3 consider the most appropriate asanas both to relax the back muscles and relieve pain:

  1. "The cat". Simple and very useful exercise. For proper alignment of the asanas both, it is advisable to examine her photo. The original position of the body — on all four. On the inhale is a deep sink on the exhale, round the back. Every 15-20 times.
  2. Face down, knees drawn to chin, the other leg stretched toe back. The forehead and palms resting on the ground. The exercise is repeated several times on each side.
  3. He sat down on his knees and raise his hands. Buttocks down on the heels, and the arms pull forward, sliding across the floor. In this position, you need to relax for a few tens of seconds.

Perfect for posture correction the following settings:

  1. Lying on your back and pull your knees to your chest with your hands. Push hip in the abdomen and heavily breathe out. Completely relax, listening to her breathing.
  2. Starting position — lying on your back, feet hip distance apart. Exhale slowly pulling your hands behind the head and resting on the shoulders, lift the pelvis and hips as high as possible.
  3. On the exhale, lower hips and back press up to his chest. Fully exhale air.
  4. On the inhale, hands go to the back and the legs need to be lifted at the right corner. Exhaling, again to press her knees to her chest.

This exercise trains the spine to relaxation of the shoulder girdle. Exercises for a beautiful posture, which is performed 8 times.

Relieve pain in the back and remove the clips, for assistance in this complex:

  1. Starting position — lying on his stomach, the forearms of both hands are in front of him. Left leg bent at the knee, same hand, it is necessary to grab back on its feet.
  2. Stretched back, at the same time pulling the leg. Called the left arm forward. Hold this position 6 breath cycles, then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  3. Hands clasp behind the ankle of both legs. Pick up from the ground, and in the chest and brings the blades together, bend as much as possible. Slightly swing back and forth in the rhythm of your breathing. Hold the pose for 8 breaths. Then repeat the asana twice.
  4. Lying on your back, press your knees and hips to your chest. You can swing from side to side, removing tension in the muscles. To clasp your right knee with your right hand and the left — to the right. Slowly rotate 3 times clockwise and in the opposite direction.

The japanese method

Very interesting way of posture correction in adults was developed by a Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. Based on returning the spine to its anatomical correct position. The japanese expert said that the acquisition of the erect posture is enough only 5 minutes per day. The exercise is carried out with the help of pillows, towels.

In everyday practice, one learns that a straight back while sitting or while driving. Natural spine, gait, gain confidence. In addition, it is a lot easier breathing, better sleep, a balanced psyche.


Fukutsuji the method comprises the following steps:

  • sit on the Mat, aligning your legs, and lower back;
  • lying on your back, placing the pads exactly at the level of the navel;
  • push the legs about 25 cm, while the thumbs touch each other, but your heels are removed to the sides;
  • hands stretched out behind head, palms down so that the little fingers touch;
  • to be in this position for 5 minutes.

With the appearance of pain in the classroom, time should be reduced and then gradually increased.

Exercises with the stick

This gym is perfect for everyone, but is especially popular with women. The classes with a missile, which lead to tone the muscles of the back, remove the clips and align the posture. You should start with small loads, gradually increasing them.

In practice, the used rod length of 120 cm This size allows you to perform exercises in all positions: sitting, standing and lying down. Each movement is repeated 10-20 times, depending on the level of education of the person.

Here are the most popular exercises:

  1. From a standing position, arms stretched out, holding the shell wide grip. Stick spinning in different directions, until the twisting of the limbs.
  2. Holding the shell vertically, and through him, performing kicks.
  3. Hold balance on one leg. Rod is located on the other side. The pose held for a few seconds and change legs.
  4. Jumping on one foot through the shell is installed in parallel with the ground.
  5. Starting position — on his knees. Stick lift with both hands and make a circle. The movement is carried out only on the body.
  6. In a standing position and has a stick behind the head is bent forward. Another option exercise from shell, dropped into the background.
  7. With a thrust of the stick in his outstretched arms are jiggling up and down.
  8. Lie back and hold the projectile in front of him at arm's length. Legs bend and hold under the stick.

Not all exercises will be done immediately. Therefore, they need to learn gradually, moving from simple to complex.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

This shell can be very useful for the formation of a beautiful posture. Today the bar is in any Park, in many gardens, and anyone can install it at home. Usually such classes are dependent on the men, but the basic exercises are very useful, and girls.

The main exercise for the back, it is a normal vis on the crossbar. Through such exercises, the posture is aligned and the load of the spine is reduced. It is recommended to hang for 1 minute several times a day, the more relaxing the muscles. So the intervertebral discs will fall into place.

If necessary, the exercise can be complicated, the shaking of the legs and the torso. Another option is to mimic walking, making it suitable movement of the lower extremities. Osteochondrosis it is recommended to hang, legs crossed at the ankles. But in this case, before class, you should consult with your doctor.

To strengthen the muscle corset and the design of the straight back is recommended to do the pull-UPS. It is important to perform the movement smoothly, sync with your breath. The handle must be strong, thumb on the side. Elbows it is recommended that in parallel with each other.

So, everyone can choose from the exercises in accordance with the education and their own taste. However, before you start exercising should see a list of the contraindications and consult your doctor.